Tell us about yourself?
I’m Douglas Higgins and I’m from Kilkenny in Ireland. Outside of work, my favourite things to do are cooking, going to the gym, supporting my wife with her Candle business (Wired Irish Crafts) and spending time with my Son. I’m a big fan of Rugby, Formula 1, and all things car and aeroplane related. My favourite way to unwind usually involves going to Comedy shows, walking, watching great TV Shows and trying new restaurants!
Something about yourself that most people don’t know?
I can fold my ear inside out! I also got to sit in the cockpit of an Airbus A320 when landing in Rhodes, Greece. I knew the air hostess and she told the pilots I was also a Pilot and they offered for me to join them in the cockpit for landing! It was only after we landed they found out I was just a passenger!
Favourite holiday destination?
Favourite holiday destination is New York City. I’ve been travelling there since I was 12 as my Dad and Brothers live there, so it’s like a second home to me! Apart from NYC, I love going to Playa Blanca in Lanzarote. It has been our family holiday for many years. Dream holiday destination is Las Vegas and Dubai.
Favourite Movie and TV show?
I have so many…. However, the top 2 for me are Goodfellas and Jaws!! Favourite TV show is without fail, Seinfeld!!
Favourite food & drink?
I’ve a savage appetite! However, my two favourites is Rib Eye Steak and Roast Dinners! I like all food to be honest except for sea food! Favourite Drink is Grey Goose Vodka and Guinness!
Favourite social media platform?
Facebook. This platform allows me keep in contact with family and friends abroad as well as all the food and sport pages I follow.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
Yes, a few! Colin Farrell, Ryan Giggs & Gary Neville (Had dinner with Gary and Ryan in Manchester), Brian O’Driscoll, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O’Sullivan, Michael J Fox, Sylvester Stallone.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
To be able to teleport!
If you could meet any living person for dinner, who would you pick and why?
Arnold Schwarzenegger! I have followed him since I was a aged ten and applaud his determination and never give up attitude. If he wasn’t free, I’ll eat with Richard Branson who has been a role model since I was child also!
How long have you been at Cubo and what is your role?
This is the beginning of my 3rd year with Cubo working as BDM within the Republic of Ireland.
Favourite thing about working at Cubo?
Travelling the country and meeting with so many different types of people and companies, while showcasing the incredible technology Cubo have developed. The team I work with in Cubo make the role enjoyable, as everyone is supportive and have a great sense of humour!
What’s your favourite piece of work advice you’ve ever received?
You only fail when you stop trying!

Thanks for reading our profile on Douglas Higgins. Stay tuned for the next release in the Cubo Connect Series.